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Investor Overview

Investor Overview

iDentivisuals srl

Investor Overview

iDentivisuals® combines the potential of biometric and cognitive technologies, facial recognition, artificial intelligence and deep learning with a strong human background in business, psychology and human resources fields.

The company develops and creates innovative digital applications capable of reading and interpreting emotions on people’s faces, integrating them into working, business and commercial contexts.
iDentivisuals® cites the view that 80% of decisions are based on emotions. Emotional well-being is defined through the emotions which people show and it is directly related to success.
The company’s core message embraces the mission statement that “the only way to really know who we really are is to understand how we feel.”

iDentivisuals® appears well positioned to use its ground-breaking technology to grow its artificial intelligence and deep learning based business significantly in the next five years. The company’s ability to interpret accurately human emotions, through visual markers, exposes it to a number of growth areas as it provides solutions to some well documented problems globally – notably workplace dis-satisfaction and police brutality. Moreover, the company’s profit quality is enhanced by it being a seller of services rather than technology.

iDentivisuals® boasts a clearly defined and well proven concept. The company collects real time data via video images of people in workplace situations which can be interpreted using artificial intelligence and deep learning, with the individual’s consent, to make an accurate assessment of their underlying emotions. As a result, employers are able to improve their decision-making processes with regard to potential candidates and existing employees, which implies cost savings.

The employment market globally is estimated using Global Labour Organization (GLO) data to be in the region of 3 billion to 3½ billion people out of a world population of close to 8 billion. Moreover, as the portion of employees in mature economies sweeps increasingly towards services the importance of accurately monitoring emotions in the workplace will rise. Gauging employee emotions is equally pertinent in roles with high social and political sensitivity – this report highlights police forces.

Despite being at a relatively early stage of development, iDentivisuals® boasts a number of important strategic partnerships with globally renowned organizations. These include Semion (an international centre of excellence in AI), Politecnico di Torino (a centre for special research in relevant technologies) and Mercer (a world leader in human resources services). In our view, these partnerships endorse the integrity of the iDentivisuals® intellectual property and business as a whole.

iDentivisuals® boasts a strong leadership team with a complementary human behaviour, technology, business development and financial management skillset. The company’s CEO Christian Candela is a chartered accountant while Chief Psychologist Jasna Legiša has more than 20 years’ experience in emotion recognition. Meanwhile, COO Benjamino Bedusa provides significant digital know-how. Board member Ian Wilcox boasts significant financial and operational business experience as a former equity partner in a human capital firm and will build out iDentivisuals® in the USA.

iDentivisuals® seeks to raise €30m in expansion capital at a pre-money valuation of €80m to €100m. These funds will be used to support important Business Development (61%), R&D (34%) and a small amount (5%), in our view appropriately, to fund General & Administrative expenditure. Once funded, the company enjoys significant growth prospects based on a sound base of intellectual property guided by a relevant leadership team which bodes well for future valuation. Moreover, the company sells services not technology which augurs positively for revenue and earnings predictability.

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